Donnerstag, Oktober 27, 2005

Fair trade

Me and my sister, that’s a bad ending story. It started when we were children. She pretended being a perfectly normal child and our parents believed her. She was the girl and I was just her evil brother, nobody my parents loved to speak about. They hated me nearly as strong as I hated them. My so lovely sister got whatever she wanted. She even got the goldfish the wanted. I never got a pet. I killed her goldfish one week later. She hated me because of that. I hated her because she was born and I hated her goldfish, because it was her goldfish. Now she’s lying on the floor. She is still looking shocked. The look of her eyes is empty. My hands are still around her heck. Since 15 minutes. I should wait some more minutes to be sure she’s really dead. My parents are lying in their bed. Soaked in their own blood.

She got the goldfish – I got this. Fair trade.

Sonntag, Oktober 23, 2005

Ku Un

Wach auf, du Flamme im Licht, sich windend von links nach rechts,
erkenne, du halb geöffnete Blüte des blühenden Frühlings,
erhebe dich, du Gedanke einer besseren Welt des Ganzen
kämpfe, du junger Widerstand, bleiern im Angesicht der Macht,
bleibe, du erstrahlendes Licht inder Dunkelheit des Seins.
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